Mgr. Libuše Halfarová, Ph.D.
Libuše Halfarová is head of the Department of Languages of the PRIGO University and head of the CEMNAS – Centre for Supporting Students with Specific Needs. She also works at the VŠB-TU Ostrava.
She graduated in the field of teaching general educational subjects at the Faculty of Education of the Czech Academy of Arts and in German at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava. At the same faculty, she received a PhD in German studies. During her dissertation research, in which she dealt with aspects of text understanding in students with dyslexia, she obtained a Diploma zum diplomierten Legasthenietrainer by completing her studies at the EÖDL in Klagenfurt.
In recent years, she has dealt with the issue of comprehensibility and understanding of the professional text and developing methods in the context of teaching a foreign language, taking into account the requirements of students with specific needs, including exceptionally gifted students.
She is the author of a monograph and several professional publications.
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